A lovely little collaboration from two of the biggest legends in the game, Kid cudi and his boss at GOOD music and the king of arrogance Sir Kayne West whose new album is due out in september.
Found these guys searching the endless source of fun that is the world wide web yesterday. They are russian and seem to be peaceful folk unlike their countries mafia. Their first album "Alps" is a seriously tight, slow paced vegtable like compilation perfect for a relaxing day at home.
Track 5, Wind in her hair, one of my favourites from the album, has been playing over and over from the lapppy today as i get my stuff together and begin the tedious process of packing.
Not only are Motorama a skilled act they dont seem to have a jewish bone in their bodies as their album is available for FREEEEE on their website. arrrr the joysss of the internet
While on the topic of Russian sensations, although being a worthless tennis player, Anna Kournikova (my childhood sweetheart ) was definitely good at being the hottest of hot chixx and for that i am grateful.