Decided to escape the blistering Michigan cold for the week surrounding thanksgiving and head deeeeep south for some much needed heat in tropical Miami and to catch up with luke, whom i hadn't seen since he departed sydney way back in July. The place was almost exactly what i expected, beautiful beachfronts, absolutely ridiculous levels of wealth around trashy south beach, materialistic people, dodgy alley ways home to even dodgier people, hefty proportions of ethnics, colourful architecture and all-time weather, in late november, a month usually associated with freezing times in the land of the free. Words cannot explain how good it was to get back into the shorts, singlet, thongs combo and spend some much needed time in the salt water that i have been missing so dearly, along with regaining my position of king tanner.
Ended up being a wild wild week, Insane nightlife, fat burger plot losses, brutal four loko inspired hangovers, south beach gym seshiesss, deep sea fishing adventures, a serious lack of sleep and hands down the rowdiest hostel I've ever experienced with some rad foreign and aussie people. Day trips to the Florida keys ( the most southern point of the United States that funny enough is closer to Cuba then it is the to US), hovercrafts through the amazing alligator infested everglades and a final night Miami heat NBA showdown to see the king of bball Lebron James, lay down some serious skill, all for the measly price of my $8 ticket. A night which ended with our taxi driver getting lost in some bad ass hood ghetto covered in police tape.... ( DO THE MATHS). Definetly a place i will be returning to one of these days.

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